Wednesday, April 29, 2015

This I Believe

This I believe
I believe that nothing is ever a failure, but always a lesson. You learn from the mistakes you make and grow stronger with each one you endure. When I was younger I was always taught by my mom to do things right and the best I can no matter what but the most important one was that I could never fail just learn a lesson from what I experienced. In my opinion I think sometimes we’re afraid to try things that make us uncomfortable in fear of failing. If everyone had a different perspective that failing is a lesson learned I think they would better themselves and think more highly of themselves too. It’s important to enjoy the simple things but understand that there’s more to learn when certain situations happen to you.
 To start off, over the years I have continued to use those wise words from my mom in my everyday life sometimes not appreciating it enough of what she taught me and the person I have become because of it . I have had plenty of struggles and things pushing me down but at the end of the day I always know that everything happening to me and the situations and problems I am having are lessons I should be sure to remember for the future. For example, I remember right out of high school which was almost 2 years ago now, I was young, very immature living on my own not really thinking about my future as much as I should have and doing the very minimum for myself. I didn't put effort into my school and didn't bother showing up half of the time. I didn’t want to that quitting was the right choice because of how everyone always perceives it and looks down on you but I started to consider that it didn’t matter as long I knew I could be successful whichever way it’s going to go.
 My mom always told me if I didn't like hair school, because I think she was starting to tell, that I wasn't going to be a bad person if I decided to switch schools and I would learn and benefit from the consequences that happen with the choice I make. It meant a lot coming from her but knowing everything she had taught me my whole life I knew something was going to have to change.  Not long after that I knew evidently that I had to quit. The feeling was bittersweet I felt sick to my stomach almost but also relieved like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I definitely learned that yeah the idea of it was amazing and exciting and something I would love doing but sometimes things don’t turn out the way you expect and aren’t what there cracked up to be.
 At first sure, yeah it killed me knowing that I "failed" at the one thing because it was such a huge deal at the time for me. It was something I thought I always wanted which was to be working along the side of my grandma someday being a hairdresser. But  when I really thought about it  I realized there's not much you can do besides what you are passionate for and I knew that just wasn't it for me and I couldn’t force myself to try and do something even if it took me awhile to realize that’s what I had been doing. With my failure being turned into a lesson learned I thought a lot about my career and future and where I see myself to be in ten years and I knew I still wanted to be able to help and care for others in some way. I became more and more interested in the dental industry. I was fascinated by it and knew that it was something I would wake up every day not dreading. The thought of helping someone just would make me feel accomplished with my career and choices that I make. I used to wake up every day thinking that I had failed sometimes and feeling completely terrible when I thought of my parents and the kind of person they raised me to be. But I never forgot those words my mom told me.

To conclude, I realize now from actually experiencing it that the saying you're lessons in life are disguised by the mistakes you make and sometimes you have no idea until you take a step back and look at where you've come to is very true in my opinion and personal experience. When you accept your failure it becomes a lesson and with that you can move on otherwise it will just keep happening over and over until you do. I don't regret anything or consider myself a "failure" I know that I made the right choices for me and I hope someday if need be I can help someone else see that for themselves too. Every situation you have good or bad is always a lesson sometimes you just don’t consider the bad ones to be lessons because you’re too worried in the word “fail”  and blindsided to see that it means nothing but a lesson you have learned for the next time. Never a failure, always a lesson is a statement very important in my life I would definitely consider it to be truly what "I believe."

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