Friday, May 1, 2015


  • Which in class writing was your favorite? Why? My favorite writing in class would probably the  The one were we watched the film about the agent and the pigeon was fun too!
  • Which in class writing was your least favorite? Why? "This I Believe" Essay although it was fun to really think about what I truly believe in and my values in life I didn't really like how we had to share them to everyone cause I think some were kind of personal but I guess it was cool to see other peoples views as well.
  • Review all your writing chronologically (earliest to latest). List three interesting observations or changes in your writing. Which are the most profound (obvious and important)? Why? Three observations I've noticed in my writing would be first the structure of my papers and being organized more on what I'm saying, also to just keep writing when you feel like you have nothing to say because it will all come together, and to realize what parts I need to focus on more and the ones I need to less.
  • If you could change anything about your writing this semester what would it be? Why? If I could change anything it would probably be to change the way I look at the essay I'm given so I can have more to say I feel it's kind of hard for me to really get into them.
  • What did you like best about this course? I like that we focused a lot on the writing portion of English and we did a lot of exercises to further help and benefit us in our writings like for example when we had to take the writing and we wrote it over two or three times and the final one ended up being so much better than what we started out with.
  • What did you like least about this course? The thing I liked the least would probably be how there was a lot of group work, I wish we would have had more individual work to do I feel like I can do better that way in my writings. With that being said I still enjoyed the class a lot and I wish I had more English classes to take because I enjoy them or your class anyways.
  • What would you have done differently this semester if you could have a do-over? I would have tried harder on my papers I guess, I don't think there's really anything specifically I would want to have a do over on.
  • What did learn about yourself as a student, a thinker, a writer this semester? That I can do a lot better when I just focus and keep writing even if it isn't exactly what I want to say, you can always change stuff around later on.
  • What could I, Ms. A., have done differently to improve the course? Maybe one or two more individual based assignments but the course overall was the best English I have ever taken you make it so much more interesting and enjoyable I feel like I actually like English now!!
  • You begin this course with an engagement and participation score of an A.  Attendance, participation in activities and group work help you to maintain this grade.  Evaluate yourself and assign yourself a grade for the in class portion of this course.  Don’t forget the reasoning behind your self assigned grade. I think overall I did pretty well in contributing and doing each part of the class. I think I would deserve a A or B I've never gotten a A since high school though so not really counting on that one. But I do feel I tried to equally do each one to the best of my ability. And even though all like ten of us didn't actually go up there  in our group presentation we all had a specific role to research and do and I think we all put a pretty good amount of effort into it. I hope that I do get a good grade though because I feel I've done my best in everything asked of me.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Writing - Respect & Ressponsibilty

I firmly believe in responsibility and respect. As a child, I was raised by my mother and I wasn't taught manners at all. I knew my mom loved and cared for my brother and I, but she was also just relaxed and careless too. We didn't eat at the dinner table and I would stay up all night because I wasn't ever told to go to bed before 9. As I grew older into my teen years I decided to move closer to my family in Springfield and moved in with my father. My father wasn't around most of my life so I wasn't really sure what was in store for me. My dad and stop mom both lived the upper class lifestyle. I didn't really know what that meant but at the time I didn't really care. A lot of things changed for me. The way I ate, slept, went to school, and many other things. My dad's house was always like it was on a schedule. His main motive was responsibility and to have responsibility, you must have respect to others as well. Let me tell you, my first few weeks we're probably the most frustrating and complicated weeks of my life. I had no clue how to respect my elders or what responsibility even was. Paying bills? I'm only 14, I don't need to worry about that yet. That's not what he meant though. I had a list of chores to complete everyday if I was wanting a ride to school later that evening. It was also expected to be done before mom started dinner and if it wasn't then I would be making for myself dinner that night. I had no idea how to even cook. Soon enough, I caught on and was cleaning up after myself and made sure I was completely prepared for school the next day with all homework done and ready for bed after a nice hot shower. To this day, I don't regret one thing that my dad has taught or trained me. My late high school years I moved back in with my mom when she moved to Springfield. I wasn't looking forward to going back to my bad habits, but surprisingly, it stuck with me. I was always cooking dinner for my siblings and making sure the house was picked up. My mother is a very busy woman with a mentally ill child and a full time job, as well a part-time weekend job, some days I may think she's being lazy but I know that she's truly a hard worker and needs time to relax like the rest of us do. To this day, I still have my good OCD habits and I am more responsible than I ever thought I would be. I got a job when I was 16 and I haven't stopped working since then. I saved up all my money during my high school years and I moved out of my parent's house by 18 with that money. If I never lived with my dad then I definitely think I would still be living at home with my mom while in college and probably with no job. I give my parents much respect for raising me with such responsibility at a young age. I will take after them and train my children the same exact way and I will watch them go very far in life with it.

Free Write

Topic: Blue
Blue is the color of the sky and ocean. It makes everything beautiful. It’s the color between purple and green. 


As an agent, he thinks differently than most people and is self-centered. Strolling across the street weaving in and out of traffic he is in a rush to retrieve a suitcase from a nearby guy trying to be secretive. He thinks with anything or anyone even the pigeon next to him is the enemy. He begins to wonder the pigeon’s intentions in the suitcase even though the pigeon is only interested in getting the donut and all the stuff he’s doing isn’t intentional. Doing all that he can to get the suitcase back he goes out of his way not realizing he is potentially harming other people. After blowing up the rocket so he doesn’t end up in trouble with the people he works for, he still ends up hurting the innocent pigeon who was only hungry for something to eat.

The Heart and the Fist Write

I think the purpose of the text is to give faith and hope to people who are struggling and want to give up and that in the end it’s worth it. And also about avoiding conflicts in your life. I think he has compassion and courage. His audience would be more towards younger adults and even older people who just don’t know what they want out of life yet I feel like because he’s sharing how he never gave up and kept trying



Happiness I feel like is being content with everything in your life for the time being or an emotion that you get from a specific thing. People find happiness in different ways. It’s also a choice you make whether or not you want to be. You chose to be happy. It’s a moment where you just feel good about something that just puts you in a good mood. Like getting to spend time with your family or something like that. I think it’s just having a positive outlook on certain things too and seeing the good in it. 

Child Neglect Outline

Emily Gabel
Team Child Advocates

Neglects of Child Abuse Outline

Introduction/Opening Statement: Neglect is another major problem of child abuse in Southwest Missouri. Every person should have a right to live how he or she wants as long as it doesn’t infringe on another persons life. If there’s a child being neglected, then their rights are not being upheld, as they should be and this serves as a reason of why neglect is so wrong. Just imagine, to a parent your child is above all the most important thing in your life, knowing that who would want to do something so cruel? Today I am here to discuss with you why child neglect is a major problem, how it affects so many children, and how we can prevent further neglect from happening.


Supporting Point 1: Why neglect is a huge problem in Southwest Missouri
·         Abused children/Maltreatment
·         Statistics
·         Reports
Supporting Point 2: Affects on the Child
·         Impacts on their lives
·         Well-being of child
·         Child’s safety and understanding
Supporting Point 3: Prevention of Neglect
·         What residents of MO can do
·         The organizations
·         Ways to prevent

Conclusion: Child Neglect in southwest Missouri is a huge remaining problem. I have now told you why neglect is still a problem facing us today, the affects it has on children, and how you can prevent neglect from happening in the future. Sometimes it only takes one person’s courage or drive for something and the affects of that to make such a huge difference. As Ghandi once said, “be the change you wish to see in the world.”